A Tradition Since 2010
The Amado Chili Cook–off Randy & Rose Estes Classic Car & Motorcycle Show is a popular regional event of the I-19 Corridor. Arizona families from Phoenix to Nogales have enjoyed the festivities of this fundraising effort that benefits The Amado Youth Center.
With our attendance at over 2,000, “The Cook-off” has become an established Amado community tradition that works to increase tourism and economic development in this region.
We are proud to have the support of Pima County Department of Attractions and Tourism, the Amado Community Alliance and PPEP, Inc. as the fiduciary agent. Thank you for your continued support of the Amado Youth Center Building Fund!
Each year, the Amado Chili Cook-off is planned, organized, and supported by community volunteers working alongside PPEP staff. The Amado Chili Cook-off Planning Committee is currently in great need of, and seeking support. Please contact ACCO Event Chair Ed Dunin-Wasowicz to join the committee or get involved. Please call (520) 403-0414, ed@dwmcgarrity.com

All profits from the Amado Chili Cook-off will go directly to the New Amado Youth Center Building Fund to complete the construction and furnish the interior to support the current and future PPEP programs and projects serving Amado area youth and families. Current funded programs include: Amado After School Botvin Life Skills Training, funded by the AZ Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family (GOYFF, JJDP) Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention; The Amado Teen Project, funded by Pima County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG); The THRIVE Resiliency Skills Program, funded by AZ GOYFF Trauma Informed Substance Abuse Prevention Program (TISAPP); and the Partnerships for Success Project and Sober Truth on Preventing Underage Drinking Projects, funded by the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

For Information:
Cielo Arochi, Event Coordinator, (520) 980-6289 carochi@ppep.org
Ed Dunin-Wasowicz, Event Chair, (520) 403-0414, ed@dwmcgarrity.com
Amy Bass, Event Director, Fiscal Agent, (520) 205-4780, abass@ppep.org